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Running Group
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This special interest group is for podiatrists interested in working with clients who have active lifestyles. Members can achieve recognition by participating and working through a practical pathway that includes structured educational components and mentoring. 

Sports Accreditation delivers and recognises podiatrists who have applied themselves to life long learning. To gain recognition as an Accredited Sports Podiatrist, members must have at least four years’ work experience and have spent at least two years working towards accreditation.


Recognition of prior sports framework learning is possible. Training will be recent, within 5 years of beginning the accreditation pathway.  Those with a relevant post graduate qualification from a recognised university from more than 5 years before, may apply for exemptions to some parts of the program.

Our Vision for our Sports Accreditation Program
  • To be a collegial group of professionals who are passionate about best practice in sports practice management.

  • To deliver quality sports outcomes for clients through advanced podiatric skills and knowledge.

  • To provide a client focused competency pathway for developing specialist skills and knowledge in sports podiatry.


Sports Accredited Members

Sports accredited podiatrists achieve recognition by participating and working through a practical pathway that includes structured educational components and mentoring.

The Sports Podiatrist
  • Sports podiatrists are a valuable asset in injury management and prevention and provide better outcomes for the active community.

  • The intended audience for treatment by the sports podiatrist include professional, elite, young and amateur athletes, including active people who have sustained injury in day to day life.

  • A sports podiatrist is a healthcare professional with an interest in human structure and function and associated medical abnormalities that have implications on the active community.

  • Sports podiatrists demonstrate advanced expertise in the diagnosis of foot, ankle and lower limb pathology. They assess their patients using advanced biomechanical analysis and utilise injury management techniques through alteration of lower limb function using orthotic therapy, adaptation of rehabilitation and training, exercise, strength and conditioning of the lower limb, footwear prescription and strapping.

  • They use a collaborative multidisciplinary approach, integrating their skills with other medical and health professionals, coaches, trainers and support staff for the purposes of preventing injury, restoring optimal function and contributing to the enhancement of sporting performance and an active lifestyle.

  • Sports podiatrists have a thorough understanding and awareness of the implications of injury for an athlete and those around that athlete, and they maintain autonomy in their decision-making, ensuring their duty of care to the athlete in an environment of many potential conflicts of interest.

  • Sports podiatrists work within codes of professional and ethical practice. They engage in on-going continuing education and are gold standard – critically analysing their practice and developing new knowledge through research they have created a professional environment that enables the implementation of best practice.

Looking to further your skills to develop your career? 
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