Accredited Sports Members Event
Tue, 27 Jul
|Via Zoom - link to be sent 1 day prior
We invite all Accredited Sports Members to attend and discuss the next steps in the program.

Time & Location
27 Jul 2021, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Via Zoom - link to be sent 1 day prior
About the Event
Sports Accrediation Training is to be held in Wellington on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 October. This will follow the format of the 2019 Christchurch Accrediaton Training - or will it?
Feedback is being sought from our Accredited Sports Members. What impact will the new ACC contract requirements have on the Accrediation Program. What changes need to be made to the training program? How can we encourage participants. Facilitators need to be selected and assessment techiques reviewed.
The Zoom meeting and further information will be sent prior to the meeting.